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A. History of HIV virus.
In 1981, several cases of Pneumocystis pneumonia appeared in Los Angeles. The disease is very rare unless the individual's immune pressure. Researchers also have many cases of Kaposi's sarcoma increased cancer that can arise due to immune system decline. In the year 1983 has been known that the pathogen causing the loss of immune function, this pathogen is a virus HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) which mengifeksi T helper cells (T lymphocyte cell CD 4 +), but at that time named the virus LAV (Lymphadenopathy-Associated virus) by Luc Montagnier. In 1984 Robert Gallo change LAV into HTLV-III (Human T lymphotropic virus Type III).
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) originated from the genus Lentivirus is a retrovirus. HIV genetic material consists of only 2 single-stranded RNA that is identical with the reverse-transcriptase enzyme (reverse transcriptase), which catalyzes the formation of double-stranded DNA from a template of RNA. This virus has a capsid is enveloped RNA and back transcriptase enzyme. HIV capsid surrounded by an envelope membrane made of phospholipid molecules and has a bulge of glycoprotein gp 120. This envelope comes from the host cell plasma membrane. This virus has two strains of HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the most virulent strains and the most widely spread. HIV has the target cells, especially cells that have receptors CD 4 as owned by T helper cells and cells makrofaga. HIV also requires co-receptor CCR5 or CXCR4 molecules are receptors for chemokines. Certain types of HIV variants more often use CCR5 to enter cells whereas macrophages are often in T-helper cells tend to use CXCR4. (Paper problematic treatment of AIDS AND HOW (presentation)),.
B. The spread of HIV / AIDS.
The spread of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) began in the mid to late 1970s, but it is considered there in Africa for many years. The first known cases in central Africa but death blamed on tuberculosis and other diseases. Epidemiological studies of HIV disease began in 1981 after the first outbreak of a rare form of cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma, and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in several cities in the U.S..
In 1982, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, USA, defines cancer syndrome and infectious diseases as the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS): as an understanding of the symptoms of advanced HIV infection emerged and there is a change in diagnosis, the CDC definition of AIDS several times changed. In 1983, the virus that causes AIDS was known in France: the first is named HTLV-III or LAV, and then converted into HIV.
Tests to find antibodies to HIV was developed in 1984, and this allows investigation of epidemiology in persons with AIDS or those with forms of HIV disease with or without symptoms. Global experience shows that while geography may slow the arrival of HIV, was not protective.
HIV / AIDS epidemic, the past two decades, has spread to over 190 countries in all continents. UNAIDS estimates that, at the end of 2000, there were 36.1 million people living with HIV / AIDS, with 90 percent in developing countries. The number of deaths due to AIDS since the beginning of the epidemic to 21.8 million. At the beginning of the HIV / AIDS, in the developing world, nearly all HIV infections occur in men.
This no longer applies to women more often infected with HIV. In 2000, UNAIDS estimates that more than 16.4 million women infected worldwide with HIV. Current data suggests that HIV emerged as the leading cause of death of adults aged 24-44 years in the vast areas in developed and developing world. (Http:// human-immunodeficiency-virus-hiv-t2598.htm)
C. Immune System in Human Body.
As we know that in our bodies there is an immune system that always keeps our bodies from within. The immune system plays an important role in combating various types of bacteria, antigens - foreign antigens into the body. Main Tues immune system in our body are macrophages, various sub-classes and T-lymphocytes-B lymphocytes.
Utam role of macrophages in the eating microorganisms, and then destroy it and then exposed to the elements antigeniknya lymphocytes to induce immunity. Macrophages derived from stem cells and bone marrow function compile mononuclear phagocytic system. A large number of membrane receptors are most diverse enables macrophages to recognize foreign antigens in the body, a specific receptors of the Major histocompatibility Complex or MHC encoded by chromosome 6 in humans can join the antigen and is recognized by a combination of T-lymphocytes. Macrophages can destroy infected cells and tumor cells in cooperation with the antibody, the event is known as the "antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity" (aadc or sitioksisitas with intermediate cell-dependent antibody).
Lymphocytes are involved in various cellular immune reactions including contact on the skin sensitivity to the chemicals used, the reaction slow hypersensitivitas specific antigen. Activity of T-lymphocytes can be measured by measuring their ability due to the addition berpoliferasi certain extracts from plants (such as fitihemaglutinin plant mitogen or PHA). T-lymphocytes to various substances called limfokin intermediaries that can activate macrophages and other T-lymphocytes.
A-B lymphocyte cells can only make one type of antibody only with one particular spesifisiyas that need a lot of B-lymphocyte cells to recognize the many environmental antigens. Plasma cells contain a lot of "endoplasmic reticulum" which allows the synthesis of proteins accurately and in large numbers. Stimulation of cells-B lymphocytes usually requires stimulation of cells-T lymphocytes and also require MHC compatibility at this stage, especially in the secondary immune response after the expansion and development of klonal of imunologik memory. (Weir, DM 1986. AIDS to immunology (translation: Julius ES, Practical Aspects Immunology). Binarupa script, Grogol; Jakarta Barat)
D. Case development of HIV / AIDS in Sidoarjo Regency Year 2000-2006.
From the data we can from Sidoarjo District Health Office can be seen that people living with HIV / AIDS was ranked Sidoarjo diKabupaten to-3 after Surabaya and Malang. The number of people living with HIV / AIDS diKabupaten Sidoarjo in 2006 is still a lack of public knowledge about HIV / AIDS, especially people at high risk of HIV / AIDS such as WPS, transvestites, IDU, and GAY, and also an increase of drug users who use needles are also factor is the development of HIV / AIDS diKabupaten Sidoarjo.
Course of the disease and symptoms caused by HIV virus in people with HIV / AIDS are:
1. In the period of approximately 3 months after infection, the body has not completely formed antibodies, so blood tests do not show that the person has been infected with HIV. 3-month period is often called the window period.
2. The period without symptoms, the time (5 - 7 years), where blood tests have shown the existence of HIV antibody in the blood, HIV positive means, but at this time no symptoms that indicate the person is suffering from AIDS, or she looks healthy.
3. Period with symptoms, is often referred to as the period of AIDS. Symptoms of AIDS have emerged, and usually the patient can survive 6 months to 2 years and then died. Symptoms of HIV infection was initially difficult to identify because it often resembled a mild illness such everyday colds and diarrhea, so people look healthy. Sometimes in the first 6 weeks after contact infection is not typical symptoms include fever, fatigue, joint pain, swallowing pain and swollen lymph glands under the ears, armpits and groin. These symptoms usually heal itself, and until 4-5 years may not show symptoms.
In the year to 5 or 6 depending on each patient, began to arise over and diarrhea, weight loss is sudden, frequent canker sores in the mouth and swelling in the lymph nodes. Later stages will further weight loss occurs rapidly (> 10%), diarrhea continued for more than 1 month with a high fever intermittent or continuous.
E. Cucumbers.
Sea cucumbers sea animals and surname Echinodermata Holothuroidea class. Several types of soft-bodied and cylindrical elongated like a cucumber. Sea cucumbers are used is selected from the 1000 species of sea cucumber species in the world. It has a golden color (golden) and the history since hundreds of years ago has proved the efficacy of this type, both in health and beauty masalh.
In general, sea cucumber is an animal which contains a scented mucus was delicious, but has properties very unusual for health care. Efficacy of this type of sea cucumbers allegedly because docosahexanat acids (DHA) on cucumbers. DHA intake, the main fatty acids in sperm, brain, and retina of the eye-height can lower blood triglycerides cause of heart disease. It has been proven Zaiton Prof. Hassan, researchers from the Department of Food Science, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. Joint M. A Kaswandi, from the University Kebangsaan Malaysia, he investigated the fatty acid content chloronotus cucumber Stichopus. The result: cucumber DHA content is relatively high, ie 3.69%. (Poster, Edition: Sunday, 02 Juli 2006 17:12:52).
Many of the people with cancer who expect benefits from the sea cucumber species after Prof.. And Dr. Aleli Gana. Florinia Merca from Faculty of Chemistry, University of the Philippines, the Philippines discovered active compounds inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. The compound was called lectins. The study revealed, sea cucumbers on the concentration of 50 micrograms of agglomerate and block the growth of cancer cells. The same proved Jaime Rodriguez, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (Poster).
F. Sea Cucumber Jelly Extract for HIV / AIDS.
Importance of the immune system for people with HIV, so there is an effort to boost the immune system by giving a cucumber jelly extract. Based on the results of a study of a particular community who have problems with the immune system, extracts Jelly Teipang perfectly powerful blocking the HIV virus.
Latest Research Institute of Chemistry University of Los Banos, Philippines, revealing sea cucumbers can be an agent and as an antitumor drug Immunodefi siensy Human Virus (HIV). The most influential is the sugar called lectins. Lectins are mitogenik compounds or cells proliferate rapidly and antimicrobial. In addition, lectins effective against cancer, muscle cancer in mice and human lung with each dose of 5 and 50 micrograms. Lectins effect of HIV therapy because it can agglomerate bad cells. Was seen when tested in the laboratory by using lymphoid cells.
Sea cucumbers sea sand deposits from debris objects or organic mud on the seabed. He smoked, ate him, and what remains is a clean sand. The weapon of holotrin gases that are poisonous to fish, but only result in eye and skin irritation in humans. Because powerful kill fish, poison gamat is now developed as a natural antiseptic to fight cancer and infeksi.Berdasarkan research in various universities around the world, found that the golden sea cucumbers are efficacious as a medicine as a versatile and traditional antiseptic. From these studies proved that the sea cucumber or gamat contain "Cell Growth Factor" (cell regeneration factor) so as to stimulate regeneration or recovery of cells and tissue that have been damaged or decayed even sick, so being healthy or recovered. Sea cucumbers will grow rich in factors that can repair damaged cells. Content of up to 82% protein and essential fatty acids strengthen the efficacy of liver cells to remove antibodies. Because it is also sea cucumbers (gamat) is often called imunomodulator. Because of the high collagen content, sea cucumbers (gamat) potent cell regeneration brief. According to Drs. Zen, gamat soluble in water so that it directly absorbed in the liver without undergoing detoxification (Poster).
The people affected by HIV / AIDS is certainly decreasing the body's immune system or even death. Sea cucumbers contain "Cell Growth Factor" or cell regeneration factor, it is discovered after a study. State of sea cucumbers in Australia has been developed for the treatment of people affected by HIV / AIDS. Gynecologist "Cell Growth Factor" will stimulate the cells that die or damaged due to virus infection to improve himself. Besides factor "Cell Growth Factor" is found also that the sea cucumber contains high protein, ie 86.8% which works to strengthen the immune system as well as produce hormones and enzymes and other proteins function. (Http / / www.kalungbio-fir.comgoldg_pengakuandunia.php)
Use of Gamat (Sea Cucumber, Sea Cucumber) as traditional antiseptics and versatile drug for various diseases has been known since 500 years ago on the island of Langkawi, which is a small island in the Malay Peninsula (Malaysia). Usually, Gamat water drink to the woman after a pregnancy to stop the bleeding, and accelerate the wound healing process of circumcision on boys Langkawi Island community. At that time, the water is still processed Gamat that traditionally have a weakness, such as the color is not attractive, and smells. At present, our factory has discovered a high tech manufacturing that produces Gamat Gamat extract or product or Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber (Sea Cucumber Jelly Extract) the quality, color clear and odorless, and does not reduce efficacy and the nutrients contained therein.
(http / / www.jeligamat.comindex.phptopic=penelitian).
Writing Method
1. Method writing
methods used in this Essay is the inductive method, which summarizes the facts - facts the public through literature study and then analyzed and conclusions drawn to solve the problem
2. Data Type
Types of data used to support the statement and the discussion of secondary data is needed. Secondary data obtained from various sources of library science and scientific information on the Internet that relate to objects.
3. Data analysis techniques
Analysis of data obtained by taking the essence of the various sources that refer to writing, then used to draw conclusions.
Analysis and Synthetic
A. Ingredients are There to extract Sea Cucumber Jelly.
Ingredients contained in include Sea Cucumber Jelly Extract is a protein, which according to research results contained in the amount of protein is very large Teripang of 86%. Immune system experienced a state where the body is called immunodeficient state when our immune system attacked by foreign antigens.
Imunodefisinsi processes in our body system occurred during the two times, ie, primary immune deficiencies and secondary immune deficiency. Primary deficiency occurs while the baby as a decrease in IgG levels obtained from the mother. Events Hipogamaglobulinemia konginetal usually tied to the X chromosome or autosomal recessive, which generally trimbul the boys.
Secondary immune deficiency event occurs because of infection that occurs in lymphocytes, or macrophages, for example is the attack type 3 infection of HTLV Lymphadenopathy-associated virus or AIDS. In infection causing this secondary deficiency can lead to malnutrition, and also stimulates the growth of tumor cells caused secondary limfoproliferatif disease.
In medical studies, lectins have been found to have therapeutic effects on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The results of laboratory tests using lymphoid cells, showed that the plant lectins jacalin known as, are perfectly able to block the HIV virus. In addition to its ability to agglomerate cells very dangerous, lectins also act as indicators of the tumors.
Apart from Stichopus variegatus contain lectins also contain protein, collagen, Glukosaminoglykan (Gags), Condroitin, Mukapolisakarida, omega 3 and omega 6, amino acids, vitamin B, and other useful minerals (Potassium, Phosphorus, Chromium, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Sodium ).
Proteins that generally serves to strengthen the immune system or the body's immune system and produce hormones and enzymes and other proteins function. While the benefits of mukapolisakarida is to help reduce inflammation and speed wound healing. Omega 3 and omega 6 serves to help improve the combustion energy and cell metabolism and maintain the system conducts nerve impulses and maintaining blood pressure.
B. How it Works Jelly Sea Cucumber Extract and effectiveness.
In a medical study, lectins found in Stichopus variegatus has a therapeutic effect on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The results of laboratory tests using lymphoid cells as the infected cells, indicating that the plant lectins jacalin known as, are perfectly able to block the HIV virus.
Cell Factor Growyh contained in the extract Sea Cucumber Jelly able to provide stimulus to the cells or tissue in the human body that have been damaged or decayed. With the Cell Growth Factor and the protein content of 86% can reduce the chance of further infection in people with HIV. Cell growth factor or factors will improve the cell regeneration of the body's immune system that have been infected with HIV, while the protein is contained will strengthen our immune system against HIV infection.
Tues T lymphocytes that have immune system deficiency state will easily attacked by diseases other than HIV. Latest Research Institute of Chemistry University of Los Banos, Philippines, revealing sea cucumbers can be an agent and as an antitumor drug Immunodefi siensy Human Virus (HIV). The most influential is the sugar called lectins. Lectins are mitogenik compounds or cells proliferate rapidly and antimicrobial. In addition, lectins effective against cancer, muscle cancer in mice and human lung with each dose of 5 and 50 micrograms. Lectins effect of HIV therapy because it can agglomerate bad cells. Was seen when tested in the laboratory by using lymphoid cells.
Chapter V
A. Conclusion
From the discussion that has been described can be drawn a conclusion that one alternative to improve the immune system of HIV / AIDS patients is to eat sea cucumber jelly extract, because the components in the extract of the jelly has the potential to enhance the immune system or the human immune and hinder further period as the infection people living with HIV and are perfectly able to block the HIV virus because, according to a study of therapeutic effects on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
B. Advice
1. Need more research conducted on cucumber jelly extract content.
2. Need to review the security level for people living with HIV while taking these extracts.
3. Need to research the effectiveness of sea cucumber jelly extract consume potentially enhance the immune system and prevent further HIV infections.
4. The need for the results before and after eating cucumber jelly extract in the form of tissue appearance (through X-rays or other means).
• Abirowo Tosan, Ryan Dita, et al. 2007. Problematic AIDS AND HOW PENGOBATANNYA.ppt. Sidoarjo: SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 2 SIDOARJO
• http://www. id. / wiki / AIDS. Htm
• http://www. kswann. com / WhatisHIVAIDS.pdf
• http / / www.jeligamat.comindex.phptopic=penelitian
• http://www. name = FAQ & myfaq = yes & id_cat = 1 & categories = HIV-AIDS.htm
• http://www.
• Anonime. 2004. Fact Sheet on HIV / AIDS for people living with HIV / AIDS (HIV). [01 September 2009]
• http / / www.kalungbio-fir.comgoldg_pengakuandunia.php
• Weir, D. M. 1986. AIDS to immunology (translation: Julius ES, Practical Aspects Immunology). Binarupa script, Grogol; Jakarta Barat
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